Asliyat Muhabbat by Zunaira Nazir
- Urdu collection
“Saraynda” emerges as a fresh endeavor on Sebt, embracing the timeless treasures of Urdu poetry penned by celebrated poets, spanning across the ages and bringing these millennial masterpieces to the forefront.

Stepping into the poetic realm Zunaira Nazir is passionate about adding more stars in form of verses on the vast sky.
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Stepping into the poetic realm Zunaira Nazir is passionate about adding more stars in form of verses on the vast sky.
8 thoughts on “Asliyat Muhabbat by Zunaira Nazir”
Good sista 💓
Jazakallah 🌼
Very Deep words…I like the whole prose❤️
But the line کچھ غلطیاں محبت کے نام پر کرتا ہے ہر سرک کا مسا فر hits me so hard…I mean just love it..😍🙌💕
Jazakallah 🌼
Larki outstanding hoti ja rhi ho😍😍🔥
I know 😂🫠
Great 👍🏻