When Reality Hits by Arvee Aslam


“Sarayinda” emerges as a fresh endeavor on Sabt, embracing the timeless treasures of Urdu poetry penned by celebrated poets, spanning across the ages and bringing these millennial masterpieces to the forefront.

Picture of <a href="https://sebt.pk/writer/arvee-aslam/" rel="tag">Arvee Aslam</a>

Arvee Aslam, a poetic craftsman, weaves emotions into verses, painting vivid landscapes of the human experience with eloquence and soul-stirring resonance.

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Picture of <a href="https://sebt.pk/writer/arvee-aslam/" rel="tag">Arvee Aslam</a>

Arvee Aslam, a poetic craftsman, weaves emotions into verses, painting vivid landscapes of the human experience with eloquence and soul-stirring resonance.

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1 thought on “When Reality Hits by Arvee Aslam”

  1. (4/5)

    I’ve read all of your poems published here. And I find only this one worth reading for myself. May be just because I’m not into romantic genre. 😊
    But it’s fairly a good effort. May Almighty put barakah in your pen and you keep writing poems like this. 🤲
    At end I’ll consider mentioning that please go through for mistakes once you are done with composing.

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